Department of History
Why study history at Baylor? Cutting-edge scholarship. Caring community. Dynamic teaching. Research opportunities. Global outlook. Career preparation. Questions that matter. Tools to respond to them.
All in a program where you are known by name.
Undergraduate Programs
History is a versatile major that will develop your critical thinking skills and prepare you for a wide variety of careers or pursuit of a graduate degree. Explore our programs for undergraduates.
Graduate Programs
Our department offers two graduate degrees: a Master of Arts (M.A.) in History and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History. Explore our programs for graduate students.
More NewsFor the 2025 Black History Month lecture, the Department of History presents "Entangled Alliances: A Reinterpretation of Blackness & Freedom in the American Revolution," which features Dr. Ronald Angelo Johnson, Ralph & Bessie Mae Lynn Chair and Associate Professor of History at Baylor University.
The John and Nancy Jackson Endowed Chair in Latin America & Professor of History would like to present, "Gather: Food Justice and Nourishment in an AntiBlack World." Dr. Ashanté Reese will discuss in her lecture a theory of change, food justice has remarkably shifted our understandings of the relationships between space, access, and the body.
You might think that a historian sits in an ivory tower, poring over a list of facts and dates. That wouldn’t be Dr. Ronald Angelo Johnson. It’s his fascinating and interrelated experiences in military, religious and diplomatic arenas — combined with his palpable passion for learning and teaching history — that make the subject come alive in his classroom and lectures.
The Waco History App, managed by our very own Dr. Stephen Sloan, has a self-guided African American history tour with 30 stops around our community. If you are wanting a guide, mark your calendars because the Institute for Oral History will be hosting a Black History Walk on February 15, 2025.